Match Symbols to a Style in ArcMap

Here is an interesting article about using a drawing option in ArcMap called Match To Symbols.  By naming a feature attribute with the same symbol name that is in a style, you can quickly symbolize them for feature categories.  Click below to read.


This is just like when us old school GIS types used a field to store a symbol number to symbolize our points, lines, and polygons!

ArcGIS User Seminar

ESRI will be holding ArcGIS User Seminars where you will learn how to be more effective with ArcGIS and get a close look at what’s new in version 10.5.  You’ll return to the office with practical tips and skills to use right away, including:

  • Collect authoritative data faster
  • Use and pair ArcGIS apps
  • Communicate with spatial analysis
  • Develop and share insights from your data
  • Improve collaboration

Register today to save your seat for the ArcGIS User Seminar.

Street Trees Interactive Map

If you are a tree lover or interested in urban spaces, you will want to check out Jill Hubley’s interactive map of New York City Street Trees by Species. You can choose to zoom in on a particular neighborhood (or even block) to learn about the particular tree species in that area. Alternatively, you may conduct a search for a particular species to see where that species is distributed across the city.


Cartographic Grounds

Mapping has been one of the most fertile areas of exploration for architecture and landscape in the past few decades. While documenting this shift in representation from the material and physical description toward the depiction of the unseen and often immaterial, Cartographic Grounds by Jill Desimini and Charles Waldheim takes a critical view toward the current use of data mapping and visualization and calls for a return to traditional cartographic techniques to reimagine the manifestation and manipulation of the ground itself.  Continue reading

Fall SoCal Marine GIS User Group Meeting

The Southern California Marine GIS User Group has announced it’s 2016 Fall Meeting hosted by the Port of San Diego.  The Southern California Marine GIS is a welcoming group of GIS professionals and aficionados doing work in and about the Southern California marine and maritime community. Their goal is to create connections and foster innovation to improve and accelerate marine and maritime GIS in the local area.  Click below for more info.
